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Found 44451 results for any of the keywords character sheet. Time 0.008 seconds.
A character sheet is a record of a player character in a role-playing game, including whatever details, notes, game statistics, and background information a player would need during a play session. Character sheets can be found in use in both traditional and action role-playing games. -- Wikipedia Basic Fantasy Role-Playing GameOur materials are broken up into three categories:
Dragonsfoot - First Edition AD DFree fantasy roleplay material for advanced dungeons and dragons AD&D and lejendary adventures.
Dragonsfoot - First Edition AD DFree fantasy roleplay material for advanced dungeons and dragons AD&D and lejendary adventures.
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing GameOur materials are broken up into three categories:
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing GameI hope to be able to attend this event again next year. For those in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area who might be interested in this event or other events by these fellows, here's the link to their Yahoo! group page:
anyway: Dice & Cloud: a Symmetry2009-04-27 : Dice & Cloud: a Symmetry
Romance Trilogy PDF Black Green GamesAbout the Romance Trilogy: A compendium of ground-breaking romance themed role playing games. Revised versions of Breaking the Ice, Shooting the Moon and Under my Skin in one volume, plus new hacks and mods of the
The Esoterrorists Pelgrane Press LtdSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
anyway: cloud-to-cloudFirst of all, please remember throughout that this: shorthand for this: ...which, in the real world, means something more like this:
anyway: 3 Resolution Systems2009-04-07 : 3 Resolution Systems
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